Research Paper
The Improvement of Anestrous PE Goats' Reproduction Performance with Micro-alga Supplementation through Identification of Ovarian Activities and 17B Estradiol Levels
This research aims to illustrate the ovary of PE goats by using USG and estrogen levels test. This study consists of 3 treatments for each group consisting of 6 goats. T1 consists of normal PE goat without any treatment, T2 consists of anestrous PE goats treated with PGF2 and GnRH hormones, T3 consists of anestrous PE goats treated with PGF2 and GnRH hormones which was also fed with superantioxidant with dose at 0.5% of body weight. The data which are being observed is estrus onset and duration and also the estrogen levels analyzed with ANOVA post hoc LSD test. The result of this study showed that microalga feeding could raise the 17B estradiol levels (176,7 13,019c) in the serum of post-partum anestrous goat more than hormonal therapy (110,4 6,112b). Microalga could improve the anestrus condition.
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