Research Paper
Influence of Ulipristal acetate therapy on uterine fibroid-related symptoms and on uterine and fibroid volume and vascularity indices assessed by ultrasound
AIM: To investigate the modification on quality of life and on uterine and fibroids volume and vascularization after 3 months treatment with Ulipristal acetate (UPA).METHODS: 42 premenopausal women were evaluated clinically for the symptoms complained and underwent ultrasound examination before and after 3 months therapy with UPA.Uterine volume and uterine arteries pulsatility index (PI) and resistance index (RI) were assessed for each patient. Considering that some patients had more than one fibroid, vascularization (supplying vessel PI and RI), localization and size of a total of 73 fibroids were also recorded.RESULTS: After 3 months of UPA patients had a significant improvement of symptoms (p
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