Original Research Paper


Dr. Chetana Choudhary, Dr. Lata Rajoria, Dr. Suman Meghwal, Dr. Sunita Hemani, Dr. Aditi Bansal, Dr. Suman Bala

  Abstract :

Introduction : It is estimated that approximately 30-40% of implanted pregnancies results in spontaneous abortion during first trimester. Yolk sac shape and size can evaluate the first trimester pregnancy outcome, gross change in yolk sac shape and size indicates significant dysfunction of maternofetal transport system leading to missed abortionAim : The study was aimed to evaluate the usefulness of yolk sac diameter in predicting the first trimester pregnancy outcomeMethods : This observational study was conducted in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, SMS Medical College Jaipur, it included 300 pregnant women between 6 weeks to 9 weeks of gestational age attending antenatal OPD. Transvaginal sonography was done to determine yolk sac diameter and these pregnant women were followed till 12weeks of pregnancy for outcome, if pregnancy continues beyond 12 weeks of gestational age classified as normal outcome.Results : Out of 300 total cases, 269 had normal appearance yolk sac Out of 269 (89.67%) normal appearance yolk sac, 267 (99.26%) had good pregnancy outcome and 2 (0.74%) had abortion. Out of 31 (10.33%) abnormal appearance yolk sac, 20 (64.52%) had good pregnancy outcome and 11 (35.48%) had abortion. Out of 300 cases, 266(88.67%)cases yolk sac diameter was 2-5mm ,6 (2.00%) cases yolk sac diameter was less than 2mm and 28 (9.33%) cases yolk sac diameter was more than 5mm. Out of 266 cases (2-5 mm diameter), 262 (98.50%) had good pregnancy outcome and 4 (1.50%) had abortion. In 28 cases (>5 mm diameter), 20 (71.43%) had good pregnancy outcome and 8 (28.57%) had abortion. In 6 cases (

  Keywords :

Ultrasonography   Yolk sac   Abortion.  

  Cite This Article:

YOLK SAC DIAMETER: A PROGNOSTIC FACTOR OF FIRST TRIMESTER PREGNANCY OUTCOME, Dr. Chetana Choudhary, Dr. Lata Rajoria, Dr. Suman Meghwal, Dr. Sunita Hemani, Dr. Aditi Bansal, Dr. Suman Bala, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN GYNAECOLOGY : Volume-5 | Issue-2 | June-2021

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