Original Research Paper

Antenatal care- knowledge of spouses of pregnant women

Lt Col Geeta R , Maj Kiran Singh, Maj Rekha Kumari , Capt Seena Mathew, Capt Divya Sunny Martina, Capt Unice Lunglo

  Abstract :

Background: Good knowledge and positive attitude of spouses of pregnant women regarding antenatal care gives best outcome.Aim: To assess the knowledge and attitude of spouses of pregnant women regarding antenatal care.Method: cross sectional descriptive survey design study from Dec 2018 to Jan 2019. 50 samples were taken from spouses of pregnant women attending ANC OPD and admitted to maternity ward in a territiary care centre.Result: Most of the (80%) had average knowledge and 96 % had positive attitude about antenatal care. No significant association between the knowledge and socio demographic variables.Conclusion : By improving the health of mother , we contribute to the health of general population. So spouses need to be motivated with more educational and motivational programs on ANC at health centers.

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ANTENATAL CARE- KNOWLEDGE OF SPOUSES OF PREGNANT WOMEN, Lt Col Geeta R , Maj Kiran Singh, Maj Rekha Kumari , Capt Seena Mathew, Capt Divya Sunny Martina, Capt Unice Lunglo, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN GYNAECOLOGY : Volume-4 | Issue-1 | March-2020

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